
 Charms Training Opportunities
In addition to help files, how-to videos, live chat, phone support and PDF manuals,
we provide in-house, webinar, and on-site training.

Free Webinars

We schedule daily webinars open to the public. A recording of the webinar will be available. Seats are limited so please click a link below to sign up!

Webinar Training

From the comfort of your own home or office, we can provide web-based training through the miracle of GoToMeeting. At a convenient time, you and your officers can login to a common website from up to 15 locations where you can view our screens while we answer your questions and demonstrate the many features of Charms.
$75/hour, usually 2 hours.

On Site Training

When you can't do a webinar or come to Addison, we are happy to come to your site for a comprehensive, full day training or in-service.

However, this is the most expensive option as we need to charge you for our travel expenses as well as the training. Contact our office with potential dates and we can try to accomodate your schedule. We require a space with a projector and screen, good internet connection, and enough power for your attendees.
$550/day, plus travel expenses (air, hotel, car, meals)

Annual User Conference

Our Annual Charms User Conference has become a go to destination each summer. Starting with an opening reception on Sunday evening, we provide two and a half days of sessions in three concurrent tracks on as many Charms topics as we can fit.

The Tuesday night banquet/party is the highlight of the conference, with such entertainment as a Murder Mystery Dinner, Casino Night, Elvis, and a beautiful Sunset Sail on Lake Ray Hubbard. Wednesday's sessions are reserved for special topics, End of Year Processing and our inspirational/hilarious keynote speakers, followed by a farewell lunch.  Details coming soon!

Free Webinars

We schedule daily webinars open to the public. A recording of the webinar will be available. Seats are limited so please click a link below to sign up!

Webinar Training

From the comfort of your own home or office, we can provide web-based training through the miracle of GoToMeeting. At a convenient time, you and your officers can login to a common website from up to 15 locations where you can view our screens while we answer your questions and demonstrate the many features of Charms.
$75/hour, usually 2 hours.

In House Training

Come spend a few hours with us in our comfortable training center at our office in Addison. We can seat up to 45 comfortably, 55 if we're friendly. We have a gaint LED Monitor and are glad to structure the session to address any and all Charms topics.

Our training center is located at 5600 American Blvd. West Suite 400, Bloomington MN 55437. Bring a laptop. We usually provide coffee, drinks and snacks. Lunch or dinner can be arranged from nearby restaurants.
$350 per day

On Site Training

When you can't do a webinar or come to Addison, we are happy to come to your site for a comprehensive, full day training or in-service.

However, this is the most expensive option as we need to charge you for our travel expenses as well as the training. Contact our office with potential dates and we can try to accomodate your schedule. We require a space with a projector and screen, good internet connection, and enough power for your attendees.
$550/day, plus travel expenses (air, hotel, car, meals)

Annual User Conference

Our Annual Charms User Conference has become a go to destination each summer. Starting with an opening reception on Sunday evening, we provide two and a half days of sessions in three concurrent tracks on as many Charms topics as we can fit.

The Tuesday night banquet/party is the highlight of the conference, with such entertainment as a Murder Mystery Dinner, Casino Night, Elvis, and a beautiful Sunset Sail on Lake Ray Hubbard. Wednesday's sessions are reserved for special topics, End of Year Processing and our inspirational/hilarious keynote speakers, followed by a farewell lunch.  Details coming soon!